Monday, February 21, 2011

Small, yet so loud

This is my picture of the day and while it may seem like just a photo of a robin,  it goes deeper than the literal surface.  To think of this bird, it is a small creature that may be hidden in the trees, when leaves are spread out like bunches of feather dusters, or under other things.  Even with its small size, this creature can be very loud and send echoes through the air.  These chirps can be both noticeable and beautiful.

How this relates to this blog?  Usually a lesson or prospective can be found in something that is so small, such as a movement of the grass from the breeze, the color of something, some small action, or a piece of something, yet the lesson or perspective it triggers about life can be very powerful.  It can be powerful in that it might trigger a change in attitude towards something or someone or maybe help someone else in life after the perspective is shared.

I think of a moment in the scriptures that finds the Spirit coming down in the bodily form of a small dove to land on Christ.  Visually, it is small, but the impact of it, or what it stands for is lasting and important.  I am small in size, but the does not have to determine that I can't make a large impact in some way. 

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